
2 min readMay 9, 2020

Have you ever felt overpowered by guilt, engulfed with shame, intense pain, extreme recklessness, never ending cycles of self-pity and self-doubt? Dark times when you are crippled by fear, sitting in the dark trying to sort your way through the mess. Worried, Tired, Worn out, Burned out and stressed out. Basically overwhelmed.

That was me in my futile attempt to figure things out, although I had heard about God’s love, I thought it was reserved for some set of people, the people who qualified to have it, definitely not me and not at the point where I was in my life. Imagine the mix of emotions I felt when he reached out to me. In the calmest and most soothing embrace I have ever felt, He says “I LOVE YOU”

It was difficult to believe let alone receive that reality. But something about those words although, words I had heard over and over again sounded different and it definitely came with the power to perform what it meant. I felt Loved, genuinely loved. It was surreal.

Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take real rest. Walk with me and work with me. Watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep Company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly”

Then comes this offer, a life transforming relationship proposal, one that I embraced against all odds. One that came with freedom, confidence and a sense of purpose. This love was the light that shone in my heart and darkness couldn’t overpower. The answer to all of life’s challenges is and always will be love.

There was an exchange, he took my burdens, pains, hurts and regrets and gave his love, warmth and peace.

Today, I still feel overwhelmed but by Abba’s Love. In his love, I’m empowered by the Holy Spirit, engulfed in light, experience intense joy, extreme grace, and never ending mercies.

By faith, the life of God was released deep inside me and the resting place of his love is the very source and root of my life. I’m daily empowered to discover by personal experience the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching his love is, how enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends my understanding. This extravagant love is continually poured into me until I’m filled and overflowing with the fullness of God.

The Love of God is overwhelming. It draws you in then transforms you, Bask in it.

Matt 11:28–30 Eph 3:17–19




Living Unashamedly, Loving intensely, Giving without holding back With Joy, drawing out of the wells of Salvation